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There are many things that do not look like disloyalty but are disloyalty. They are the attitudes and behaviour patterns that give rise to treachery a...
God has called many people indeed. Our life on earth is an opportunity to serve Him, and God has His eye on the things you are doing for his Kingdom. ...
Most Christians do not understand the place of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in our lives. This book is intended to improve our understan...
Rebellious people do not remember what has been done for them and often choose to forget certain things. Judas did not remember what the Lord had done...
"ولعل واحداً من أعظم الأعداء الذين قد تواجههم قط هو "المشتّكي في وسط الإخوة". تلقَّ �...
Jesus Christ reveals the shocking principle that governs prosperity and wealth. He that hath shall have more! How unfair it sounds! And yet, that is t...
يكشف الدكتور داغ هيوارد ميلز ، وهو زعيم مسيحي استثنائي، عن أحد أسراره. "إذا سألني أ�...
نعلم أن نمو الكنيسة بعيد المنال ويصعب تحقيقه. ويتمنى جميع الرعاة أن تنمو كنائسهم. و...
يمشي المسيحي وسط العديد من الأخطار والفخاخ والأشراك. سيفتح هذا الكتاب عينيك على ال...
The call to ministry is a call to leadership. Once again with an easy going and down-to-earth approach, Dr. Heward-Mills expounds on principles that h...
Some are born leaders. Some develop into leaders. In this classic book, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills teaches on how this ingredient of loyalty consolidates...
Wok bilong ol spirit nogut em kamap ples klia long dispela niupela buk bilong Dag Heward-Mills. Em yusim testimoni bilong longlong man bilogn Gadara l...
People who leave you can destroy you. Nothing can describe the feeling of depression, confusion and anxiety that descends when people walk away from y...
"كيف أصلي؟ بماذا أصلي؟ ولماذا تكون الصلاة خفية جدًا؟ وكيف أصلي لفترة طويلة؟ ألا يع�...
This exceptional book by Dag Heward-Mills will teach you what it means to catch the anointing and how you can be anointed for ministry. Learn how to c...
"Perhaps one of the greatest enemies you will ever encounter is 'the accuser in the midst of the brethren'." Receive great insights on how this weapon...
Learn about this compelling power which makes evangelism effective and fruitful even in the face of opposition, excuse, suspicion, resentment etc....
Following God is an exciting journey of discovery. Following and copying other people are ancient arts of learning that Jesus Christ chose as His prin...
Tahukah Anda bahwa kehidupan di bumi adalah peperangan? Apakah kita memilih untuk berada dalam peperangan atau tidak, kita ada dalam peperangan. Alkit...
ليس هناك موضوعًا أكثر أهمية من كونك متسقًا مع مشيئة الله الكاملة، والشيء الوحيد ال...
دعوة الخدمة هي دعوة للقيادة. مرة أخرى، من خلال اتباع نهج سهل ومباشر، يشرح الدكتورHew...
هذا الكتاب هدية أخرى من قلم داغ هيوارد ميلز لجميع الرعاة الذين يكلفون أنفسهم عناء �...
Churches are filled with perfect pretenders who become perfectly disloyal to the church and its leadership. A leader who cannot see through the mask o...
If you are a shepherd of God's flock, you will be greatly aided by this well-considered work. These pages contain detailed and carefully selected inst...
Ova knjiga je krajnji vodič za razumijevanje spasenja kroz Isusa Krista. U ovoj klasičnoj knjizi shvatit ćete koliko vas Isus voli, kako se možete...
Kristen wokabaut long namel bilong planti ol nogut na ol trep. Dispela buk bai opim ai bilong yu long planti ol nogut bagarap weitim yu long bagarapim...
Bagi orang Kristen baru, penting untuk memahami dasar-dasar keselamatan mereka dan mempelajari pirnsip-prinsip yang menuntun kehidupan baru mereka. Fa...
يمكن أن تكون الحياة مثيرة للتحديات لكل شخص. وبعدة مناسبات الحكمة هي ما تحتاجه لتغل�...
Demon activity is unmasked in this classic new book by Dag Heward-Mills. Using the testimony of the mad man of Gadara, he shows the way to victory ove...
And He That Hath No, From Him Shall Be Taken Even That Which He Hath
..".Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in. THAT MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED." Luke 14:23. The heartcry of God is for the world to...
Pomazanje je glavni ključ potreban za pristup uspješnoj i ispunjenoj službi. Mnogi su ljudi nastojali obavljati Božje djelo iz iskrenih motiva, a ...
Forgiveness can be difficult for us, as human beings! In the world, people hardly forgive. It is natural for a person not to forgive, but to seek reve...
A Father Is a Rare Gift. There will be many people who will make an input into your life. Instructors and teachers abound but these are different from...
يخبرنا الكتاب المقدس أننا جميعًا نرتكب العديد من الأخطاء - القساوسة ليسوا معصومين ...
Though a primary requirement of God for leaders, very little has been written on this subject. In this book, Dag Heward-Mills outlines very important ...
Apakah Anda berhasrat untuk diurapi? Di dalam buku bersejarah ini Dr. Heward-Mills membagikan beberapa langkah untuk mendapatkan urapan. Buku ini tent...
Harta berharga dai urapan adalah orang yang diurapi. Urapan tidak terpisahkan dari orang yang diurapi. Urapan berada di dalam diri hamba Tuhan! Urapan...
“Dan jika kamu berdiri untuk berdoa, AMPUNILAH dahulu sekiranya ada barang sesuatu dalam hatimu terhadap seseorang, supaya juga Bapamu yang di sorga...